More Foods, More Birds!
Shop now and save on the season's best bird food including our 20 lb. bags of WBU Seed Blends and Suet Cakes.
Our foods:
are chosen by your local expert.
formulated to care for your birds.
contain no cereal fillers - just ingredients your birds love.
contain high-quality ingredients and make every trip to the feeder count.
Save Now 20 lb. Bags of Bird Seed and Suet Cakes*
Daily Savings Club Members: Don't forget you save 5% off sale prices.
*Valid in-store only at the Leawood WBU on suet cakes & 20# birdseed bags. Offer not valid on previous purchases, seed cakes/cylinders, whole peanuts, or with other discounts except DSC.
Offer valid 2/6-2/17, 2025.